Aligning goals, strategy & execution with strategy planning and execution software

3 min read

Aligning business goals, strategy and execution is key to the success and growth of any organization. However, many companies face challenges and make mistakes while doing so. This article explores the importance of aligning goals, strategies and execution, common roadblocks, and mistakes, and how Tesoract can help.


Alignment is possible when the right goals in the context of the organization are in place, the right strategies to achieve the goals are chosen and the chosen strategies are indeed being executed. As simple as that may sound, many organizations struggle with achieving this level of alignment for a multitude of reasons. Here are a few:

1. Leadership Commitment:

Lack of leadership commitment to goals, strategy and execution guarantees failure. The will of the leadership solves most problems, however scrappy the solution may be. Having half-hearted goals, strategies and execution is worse than having nothing at all. Leadership must possess a firm understanding of the context of the organization and ensure that the goals are in line with the vision and mission of the organization.

2. Organizational silos:

There are huge (metaphorical) walls between departments, people, and processes in most organizations (including many that claim to have none).  While this siloed nature of functioning may be contextual and deemed necessary in some industries, everyone wants strategy to go freely through these walls and thereby make execution aligned and effective. These walls can be as high and thick as they need to be but should also have large enough crevices to allow strategy flow.

3. Wrong choice of tools:

In most cases, the chosen tools to align goals, strategy & execution are spreadsheets, many emails and a lot of meetings. These are ineffective and exacerbate the problem because they mimic the feeling of being productive without actually being so. Success unfortunately, is not dependent on how many meetings were run, how many emails were sent to how many distribution lists and how many great looking spreadsheets were created. “If all you have is a spreadsheet, everything looks like a table”.

How can alignment be achieved then? How can a strategy planning & execution software bring about alignment? Enter Tesoract, the ONE solution to get strategy working. Tesoract brings all essential elements of strategy into a single, unified solution.

1. Enhanced Collaboration:

Collaboration that is random is not of much use. Tesoract takes collaboration to the level it needs to be in. It moves your teams’ collaboration from disconnected chat spaces to a connected, purpose-built collaboration space where the best ideas to achieve organizational goals are created. With Tesoract, cross-functional teams can collaborate seamlessly and build a shared sense of purpose.

2. Staying Informed:

Traditionally, the feedback loop from execution to strategy is too long and by the time any information about execution becomes available, it’s too late. Tesoract keeps you updated on execution as it happens. Robust reporting of every plan, idea, objective, key result, project and task helps strategy owners always stay informed of execution and helps them make changes quickly to ensure strategy success.

3. Continuous Engagement with Strategy:

Strategy can no longer be that “once a year, 3-day meeting” and organizations can no longer look at strategy once in a while. Tesoract brings strategy to every part and every member of the organization. With the overall strategy trickling down all the way to every individual, the entire organization can continuously engage with strategy from a single, unified solution.

Aligning goals, strategy and execution is vital for any organization and Tesoract can provide you with the ability to do so. Excited? Join our waitlist, and be the first to know when we launch. We are coming soon!