Crafting Success: The Strategy and OKR Recipe for All Teams

Viswesh Krishnamurthy
5 min read


Aligning individual roles and their goals to overall strategy, cannot be overstated, although is often neglected. Many times, C-level goals blindly cascade down the organization with little to no consideration for whether it is appropriate at those levels. For eg, think about an organization that is looking to improve its EBIT, do the level 4, 5 employees even understand what EBIT means? Do they even care? Is it wrong if they don't understand or care?.....Well, do fish care about climbing a tree? Do cats play fetch? 

Software engineers care about code and not about Net Revenue Retention. Accountants care about keeping the books and closing them on time and not about product design. People need to be measured on and celebrated for doing what they are supposed to do and not some random metric just because the metric comes from the top. Girish Mathrubootham gives a beautiful analogy about holding biryani makers accountable for making good biryani and not for metrics like single store profitability, avg. sales per table etc. This is where a concept like OKR becomes the linchpin that transforms strategy into tangible outcomes.

Navigating Beyond Top-Down Strategy:

Traditional top-down strategies often leave employees disconnected. Not everyone resonates with lofty organizational metrics. We need a shift—a strategy that understands and aligns with individual roles. This shift is not about disregarding strategy but about recognizing that effective strategy implementation requires a granular understanding of how each team's and individual's efforts contribute to the broader success.

The Power of OKRs in Strategic Alignment:

Enter OKRs – OKRs provide clarity, focus, and alignment throughout an organization. OKRs break down strategy into meaningful, smaller and appropriate chunks, creating a roadmap for success that is transparent, measurable, and adaptable. Rather than imposing goals from the top, OKRs invite a collaborative approach where leaders and team members work together to set and achieve objectives that resonate with the broader organizational strategy. This way, every level and every member of the organization is measured on what they actually do and are celebrated for doing exactly that.

Effective Leaders Craft Effective OKRs:

Leadership is not merely about setting a grand vision and simply cascading it down. Effective leadership translates that vision into actionable, measurable goals for every level of the organization. Leaders must recognize the diverse contributions within their teams and provide OKRs that align with each team member's role and responsibilities. For instance, consider a scenario where the organizational strategy is to improve customer retention. A top-level OKR might focus on improving the Net Promoter Score (NPS). However, for a customer support team member, the OKR could be more specific, such as reducing response time or increasing first-call resolution rates. It is the job of leadership to ensure such specific OKRs ultimately contribute to the broader organizational strategy.

Strategic Empowerment at Every Level:

Empowering employees with meaningful OKRs creates a sense of purpose and ownership. When individuals see the direct impact of their contributions on organizational success, it not only enhances motivation but also fosters a culture of innovation and continuous improvement. The granular nature of OKRs enables teams to pivot and adapt to changing circumstances swiftly. This agility is crucial in today's business environment where unforeseen challenges and opportunities can arise at any moment. Remember March 2020?......OKRs facilitate a responsive and a resilient organization by ensuring that every team member is aligned with strategy.

The Recipe for Success:

In the culinary world, a perfectly crafted biryani is the result of careful attention to detail, the right blend of spices, and a deep understanding of the ingredients. Similarly, organizational success is the culmination of strategic alignment, individual empowerment, and the right metrics. Effective leaders understand that the success of the whole depends on the excellence of its parts. Embrace OKRs not as a top-down imposition but as a collaborative tool that transforms strategic aspirations into achievable outcomes. In doing so, we not only acknowledge the unique contributions of every team member but also ensure that the organizational symphony plays harmoniously towards a shared triumph.