Generative AI Strategy for global organizations

Viswesh Krishnamurthy
3 min read


AI, AI, AI. It seems like everything around us is “AI” , my blog title included.

In fact, my original title was an inspiration from Borat and it read, “Generative AI strategy for make benefit of glorious global organizations”.  The point is that you just need to sprinkle some AI and strategy here and there, much like what Tess did and voila, you have attention :-).

Everyone likes talking about AI. The problem however is that most people don’t have a clue when talking about such “hot” topics. The internet is quite literally, littered with content on how LLMs will usher in the singularity. About a year and a half ago, it was all about NFTs and Metaverses, now it’s AI and tomorrow, it will be something else shiny and new. My point is not to dismiss any of these topics as mere “hype” but rather, that in most cases, they are brought up without much context or relevance. These are challenges to organizations today more than ever. They have to juggle the pressure to follow the trend and the need to stay pragmatic and focused. It goes beyond AI, in fact, AI just happens to be the flavor of the season.

So, How should organizations deal with this? In my opinion, it comes down to solid innovation. Innovation that is not top-down, one-way, occasional and confined to a conference room but innovation that is top-down, bottom-up, middle-out, multi-directional, continuous and everywhere. Traditional methods like focus groups, as seen in this episode of Oliver & Tess, are very time-consuming and the quality of outputs depends on how much time you further spend on analyzing the results.

What is needed therefore, is a solution that can get many people involved, inside and outside organizations, allow them to weigh in on ideas easily & quickly and enable organizations to easily pick and choose the best ones.  The practical use cases for such innovation are endless. Product management needs innovation to develop the right products for customers, marketing needs innovation to target the right markets and customer segments and so on.

How can we do it? Tesoract checks all the boxes when it comes to innovation. Tesoract allows you to create plans, invite your team and innovate collaboratively. Think of it as a virtual room where your team can keep tossing ideas, pick them apart, rate them and simply present the best ideas in a platter. Once you decide to execute those ideas, look no further, Tesoract has a solution for that too. If this interests you, go, sign up for updates at and be among the first to access the product.