Strategy tragedy

Viswesh Krishnamurthy
5 min read


In the intricate dance of business, where goals & objectives often get spoken about, there exists a critical yet often overlooked player—strategy. Roger Martin's insightful data point asserts that a staggering 80 to 85% of businesses operate without a clear strategy. Paired with another striking statistic from the Phoenix Business Journal indicating that approximately 51% of businesses establish goals and objectives, a stark reality unfolds—there are entities setting objectives without a strategy. The focus here isn't to engage in a semantic debate but to shed light on a neglected truth: the indispensable role of strategy and the unsettling truth of strategy neglect.

At the core of this discourse is a fundamental question: What is strategy? Stripping away complexity, the essence of strategy is making choices. it's a deliberate and purposeful selection of actions aimed at achieving something.

Avoiding the Pitfall: Goals Without Strategy:

One must begin with the understanding that strategy is the north star and objectives, although vital, are just waypoints in a larger journey. Imagine setting arbitrary revenue targets without a corresponding strategy aimed at increased market share or greater share of wallet or market expansion. Objectives such established, are hollow, inevitably siloed and often leaves teams wondering if they've done any contribution to the larger success of the business. 

Leadership and Strategy:

Leadership is pivotal in ensuring strategic clarity within an organization. Effective leaders steer the ship toward success by articulating a compelling vision, making strategic choices, and fostering a culture that values strategic thinking. Strategy isn't a one-time task but an ongoing, adaptive process. As markets evolve and customer preferences shift, a robust strategy is paramount for organizational agility and responsiveness. By integrating feedback loops and regularly reassessing strategic choices, businesses stay on the path to success. The speed with which markets evolve today, means we can no longer set strategy that runs over 5 years. The overall timeline of strategy must be shortened with an intent to periodically reassess the suitability and/or adequacy.

The Art of Strategic Alignment:

Effective strategy is about aligning diverse facets of an organization toward a common objective. It's the harmonious symphony where every department, team, and individual understands their role. This alignment ensures a purposeful pursuit of success. While objectives articulate desired outcomes, the true measure of strategic success lies in the enduring impact on the organization's trajectory. A well-executed strategy creates a sustainable framework for consistent achievement of objectives over time.

The Unyielding Link Between Strategy & Success:

In conclusion, the journey to success isn't just about achieving objectives —it's about the strategic choices that define the objectives. Businesses that prioritize strategy, and then set clear objectives, create a roadmap for triumph in the landscape of possibilities.